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Issue 21: January 2025



What Are We Doing When We Do Philosophy ? - Stephen G. O'Kane

Island Utopia - Kathrin Schodel

The Future of the Humanist Movement in Malta - Christian ColomboFinally, Process ? - David Bevan

​An Interview with Thomas O. Scarborough on Holism

Etienne de la Boethie's Mark on Continental Thought - Karl Baldacchino 

The Desiring Self - Inger Cini

Dusk Dialogues - Ian Gauci and Gordon J. Pace

An Interview with Kenneth Wain

Book Review: This Town:  A Complete Meyaphysics by Thomas O. Scarborough reviewed by Valdeli Pereira

Memento Mori - Mike Lewis-Beck

Philosophical Manifesto: On Health - Ian Rizzo


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Issue 20: December 2023

Special Feature: Art and Philosophy 


What is Art ? A Contemporary Aristotelian Suggestion - Louis Groarke

Poetry and Truth - Joe Friggieri

The Wafer Thin Line Between Philosophy and Cinematic Theory - Mario Cordina

What Makes The Dark Side of the Moon by Pink Floyd a Great Work of Art - Ian Rizzo

Fata Morgana: The Philosophy in Werner Herzog - Inger Cini

There, There: Affect and Subject in Radiohead - Guillaume Collett

The 'Uffa' of Philosophy and Arts - Giuseppe Schembri Bonaci

The Fallacies of Seeing with the Mouth - Jamie Fettis

Hammering Art to Save the Earth - Adrian Camilleri Chiaro


Interview with a Philosopher: Matt Qvortrup


General Articles:

A Letter to my Students - Colette Sciberras

Lorenzo Milani and the Struggle for Social Justice - Peter Mayo

Transhumanism: Do Philosophical and Cultural Transhumanist Movements Matter Nowadays ? - Christopher Fenech

Medicine Unleashed: The AI Odyssey - Steven S. Gouveia

The Challenge of Engaging AI in Patient Diagnostics and Treatment - Alexander Lazarov


Book Review:

Plato at the Googleplex - Valdeli Pereira


Philosophical Manifesto: On Justice - Ian Rizzo


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Issue 19: May 2023

Special Feature: Academic Philosophy In Malta


Research Activities

My Research in the Philosophy of Communication - Claude Mangion

My Research in Politics and Ethics: Philosophy as a Way of Life - Kurt Borg

My Research in the Political Thought of Neoliberalism - Francois Zammit

My Research in the Phenomenology of Interiority and Encounter - Robert Farrugia

My Research in Experiential Phenomenology - Clive Zammit

My Research in Hypertexuality: A Critique of Unilinearity - Dominic Garcia


Special Areas of Interest

The Truth in History - Joe Friggieri

The Animal/Human Relation - Niki Young

The Philosophy of Creativity - Sandra M. Dingli

The Immersive Absurd Gamer - Duncan Sant

Iris Murdoch and the Ethics of Unselfing - Robert Govus

Tightroping Between Love and the Limit-Experience - David Vella

The Matters of Philosophy and Why it Matters - Keith Pisani


Interview with a Philosopher: Katarzyna de Lazari-Radek


General Articles:

The Other Sides of the Conservative Edmund Burke - Matt Qvortrup

The Anti-Midas: How Does Philosophy View the Sense of Touch ? - Neb Kujundzic

A New Holism - Thomas O. Scarborough

Technology and the Future of Feminism - Stephen G. O'Kane


Book Review:

Everything Briefly: A Postmodern Philosophy - Ian Rizzo

Xi Tfisser Tkun Bniedem ? (What does it mean to be human ?) - Luke Fenech



Issue 18: November 2022

Special Feature: The Future of Feminism

Simone De Beauvoir and Feminism in the 21st Century - Natasha Galea

On Reading Beauvoir: Reproductive Rights and Citizens Rights and the Case of Malta - Carmen Sammut

Feminism: The Struggle Continues - Lara Dimitrejvic

bell hooks (1952 - 2021): The Struggle for Social Justice as an Act of Love and Transgression  - Peter Mayo 

Women, Fear and the Achievement of Autonomy - Sara Azzopardi

Allies Against Oppression: The Parallels Between Feminism and Animal Rights Activism - Suzanne Bonnici Ciantar

The Future of Feminism: What is Prompting the Fifth Wave ? by Gail Debono

Changing the Mood of our Days: Gloria Anzaldua and the Healing Perspective by Fulden Ibrahimhakkioglu

The Significance of the Role of Women in Plato's Work - Sam Sultana


Interview with a Philosopher: Sophie Loidolt


General Articles:

The Still Small Voice That Makes me Impotent:

The Strange Case of Conscience in Simon Critchley's Philosophy - David Vella

Soren Kierkegaard: The Prophet of Irrationality - Matt Qvortrup

The Transformation of the Self: Foucault's Observation of the Stoics - Luke Fenech

The Many Faces of Ancient Greece - Luc de Brabandere


Book Review:

On Marija Grech's Spectrality and Survivance: Living the Anthropocene - Niki Young


Philosophical Manifesto (Part Four): On Politics - Ian Rizzo


Student's Corner

 A Philosophical Understanding of the Essence of Dance From the Point of View of a Dancer - Hayley Bonnici

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Issue 17: April 2022

Special Feature: Is Marxism Still Relevant ?

Karl Marx - A Short Introduction - Stephen Law

Marx's Ecology - A Case to Abolish Capitalism? - Roberto Debono

Marx and Alienation - Edward Zammit

Critical Theory and Marxism - Keith Pisani

The Time of our Life is a Political Matter - Kurt Borg

Marxism and Utopian Thought  - Kathrin Schodel

Marxist Feminism and the Relation Between Marxism and Feminism - Ozlem Duva Kaya

Redefining the Political: Italy 1968-1977  - Karl Baldacchino

On not Being too Dogmatic About Marx - Michael Grech


Interview with a Philosopher: Marianne Talbot


General Articles

Boethius on the Path of Humility - Robert Farrugia

Humanism: A Worldview Committed to Self-Reflection and Maturity - Christian Colombo

Why is the Puzzle of Existence and Reality Becoming Increasingly Complex ? - Nebojsa Kujundzic

Fundamental Manipulation in Terms of Transcendental Philosophy - Alexander Gungov


Book Review : Be Logical Be Creative Be Critical - Tanguy Swinnen


Philosophical Manifesto(Part Three): On Economics  - Ian Rizzo


Students' Corner: Introducing the Student Philosophical Society (SPS) - Sarah Vella

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October 2021

SHARE Magazine Issue 16

Artificial Intelligence
The Fabric of Techne and Technology
Interview with Claude Mangion
McDowell on Reason and Nature
A Philosopher's Critique of Jordan Peterson
Paolo Freire: A Powerful Voice on Decolonising Education
Raymond Williams: A Cultural Rhetoric Approach to his Theory of Culture
Book Review: Race After Technology
Book Review: Death by a Thousand Cuts
Manifesto: The Environment
Updated List of Academic Publications in 2020

SHARE Magazine
Issue 15

April 2021

Interview with Daniel M Haybron
Donald Davidon's Philosophy of Language
Theology of Liberation
Difference and Migration from a Gramscian Lens
Hilary Putnam: Embodying Philosophy
Book Review : Speculative Grammatology
Manifesto: The Good Society
List of Academic Publications in 2020

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SHARE Magazine Issue 14

November 2020

Coronavirus and Philosophy
An Interview with Philip Carr Gomm
Easeful Death
The Order of Chaos
The Philosophy behind Martial Arts
Book Review on the Philosophy of Law
A Philosophical Manifesto

SHARE Magazine Issue 13

April 2020

An Interview with Peter Singer
Can Robots ever experience Emotions ?
Animal Ethics
What's the Frequency Kenneth ?
The Notion of Reincarnation and the Problem of the Nature of the Mind
Units of Life - A Thought Experiment

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SHARE Magazine Issue 12

September 2019

An  Interview with Cartoonist Steve Bonello
A.I. and Philosophy
Is Suicide Ever Rational ?
The Top 5 Philosophy Documentaries
Deflating the Ego

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SHARE Magazine Issue 11

May 2019

Rene Descartes
Interview with Kenneth Wain on Lifelong learning
Kierkegaard's Mode of Existence
Is Materialism reaching its end ?
Joe Friggieri on Interpretations
Does Life have an objective value ?

SHARE Magazine Issue 10

January 2019

The Postmodernist Paradigm Shift and the Philosophy of Gilles Lipovetsky
An Interview with Philosopher Stephen Law
Are Faith and Science really Poles apart ?
On the Value of Bitcoin ( and Other Cryptocurrencies)
Are Animals Capable of Love ?
Nietzche's God - A Dead or Alive Choice for today's Christianity in Crisis ?
How much of what we believe to Control, do we actually Control ?
Interview with Alain Salvary

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SHARE Magazine Issue 9

September 2018

Andy Warhol and the Pop Art Movement

If you like it, does it matter whether it's Real ?

The Christian Democratic Ideals that shaped Modern Europe

The Art of Simple living

Rites of Passage, the Changing Self and the Future of Humanity

Philosophy in the Stream of Consciousness

Post Colonial Identity and Collective Memory

Buddhism's Two Truth in the discussion of Human Difference


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SHARE Magazine Issue 8

May 2018

The Illusion of Control

Just a Word and a Thought Experiment

The Non-being of Zapata

The Popularity of Law

Why I am an Anarchist

Narrative Learning and Identity Formation

On Leibniz, Baudrillard and the Code Breaching 

Discounting Greed in High Rise Buildings

For argument's sake

Pre-war Philosophy in Malta

The Maltese Room

Women in Philosophy

Buddhism's Two Truth in the Discussion of Human Difference

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SHARE Magazine Issue 7

January 2018

Marx my Words 
Marx and the Rise of the Machines
The Way of a Garden
Nietzche, Nihilism and the Gospels
Philosophy as a Way of Life
Ritchie's fate
A Philosophy of Fanaticism
Why should Christians be Marxists and Marxists not be Christians
The sad story of Angelo Pirotta
Beatified Lying

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SHARE Magazine Issue 6

September 2017

Altered Egos
A Trumped Value System
Philosophers' Wives and Kids
Meeting the Shadows
Art - What's the Point ?
The Wikipedia 'Philosophy in Malta' Page
Killing me Softly
Midnight Express Meets Philosophy
The Philosophy of Naturism
When Bertrand Russell chose Malta

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SHARE Magazine Issue 5

May 2017

Why Nietzche
Mysterious Eco ?
The Labour of the Negative
Christianity as the Origin of Nihilism
Till Death do us Part
The Deceptiveness of Manichaeism
The Piercing sight of Nietzche
A dive into the Imaginary, and I wonder
Politics by Twitter
Nicholas Zammit

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SHARE Magazine Issue 4

January 2017

In Praise of Madness
A Liar Telling the Truth
The Philosophy of Geopolitics
The Philosophy of a Dream
How Philosophy Helps me to Better my Life
Power - A Thought Experiment
Small and Vibrant
Trice the Trigger

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SHARE Magazine Issue 3

September 2016

L'Homme Complet
Gloucester versus Cassius: Or is Free Will just an Illusion
What does a Philosophical Discourse consist of ?
Trawling through the Tides of Change
Switching sides - Newman's Repositioning Technique
Sartre the Ugly
Translating Greek into Maltese
Do the End justify always the Means ?

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SHARE Magazine Issue 2

April 2016

Beyond the Laws of Art
Aristotle at 2,400
The Wish for a Better World
The Structure: Thought Experiment
An Overview of the Ideal Dimension of Money
Philosophy Reflections

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SHARE Magazine Issue 1

November 2015

Zizek: An intellectual Charlatan ?
Must Marriage be Right ?
The Environment : A Class Act is urgently required 
Information Warfare in the Information Society
The Incompatibility of God and Evil
The Risks of Parody
SHARE Book Review
Philosophy in Malta

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